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Our finca shop offers you our organic fruit and vegetables; eggs, honey and home-made produce: jams, preserves and spreads. To complete our fresh range, we have partnered with our next-door neighbours, so we can also offer you fresh goats milk, home-made goats cheese and other fresh and wonderful food.
Following the increased interest for our organic products, we have introduced the GreenBOX for those who live here or are on holiday in Gran Canaria. You will receive weekly our combined seasonal and local fruit and vegetables from our finca and partner fincas on the island. Our GreenBOX is currently available in Single or Family versions.
What’s in the GreenBOX?
Fresh fruit and vegetables from our garden are picked every week. Not treated or chemically fertilized and grown 100% naturally and organically, always a colourful mix from the seasonal garden:
- In the single GreenBAG for 1-2 people
- In the family GreenBOX for 2-4 people
- A small herb shrub with at least 5 diferent herbs is also included every week.
In addition, loads of great recipes for you – lot of delicious ideas on what you can do with the GreenBOX content.
Delivery service
The Green Box comes to your home every Saturday at noon. Should you not be home you can pick them up later in San Fernando or directly from the finca. If you have adopted a chicken you will also get your eggs included in the box. You can pick up your GreenBOX on Saturdays in the farm shop and the pickup station in San Fernando:
Insider Bar Café Bistro
How do I pay for my GreenBOX?
When you place your first order, there is a deposit of €20 for the returnable box. (Of course, when you return the box we will give you back the complete deposit fee).
The box is exchanged weekly for the new green box. There are 2 ways to pay:
You can pay Cash or by Card by delivery or do your payment through the order precess.
A list of the current produce can be requested at any time via email on You can also reach us by phone or via WhatsApp on 00 34-628 177 348. Contact us to subscribe for weekly GreenBOX alerts via WhatsApp.