
Pick-up Store at San Fernando

Official pick-up point for the GreenBOX / CajaVERDE at the Insider Café in San Fernando

You have the option to pre-order your desired items or to pick up your weekly green box (always on Saturdays) from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m., Monday to Saturdays. Daily fresh goods in your area and easily accessible. You can find all the items in our shop here. If you can’t find anything you need from our web shop, please contact us directly:
Telephone: +34 -628 177 348
Here is more information about the Insider Cafe in San Fernande.

Location map for the Insider Bar Café Bistro:

Calle Jose Yanez Matos, Edf. Don Miguel, Local 17, San Fernando, Gran Canaria, Spain


Here you can find out more about shopping directly at the Bio Finca Las Tenerías.